Megan Pete, better known as Megan Thee Stallion, established the Pete and Thomas Foundation to honor the memories of her father Joseph Pete Jr. and her mother Holly Thomas. Her parents instilled the importance of family, education and community.

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People Empowerment is not an organization that isolates ordiscourages donations or help from anyone. In fact, we encourage help from everybody, nomatter economic status, education level, religion, or race, we want everyone to pitch in. Wealso aim to help everyone in the community. People Empowerment Association is a true notfor profit organization. They are recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the federal government.

The People Empowerment Association was founded by CEO Dr. Randy King, the retired City Councilman of Ward I in Glennville and former assistant principal at Tattnall County High School. PEA started as a summer feeding program. Dr. King was able to secure healthy meals from the Federal Government for underserved children in Glennville, Ga. Eventually Dr. King, expanded PEA’s services to host programs, events, fundraisers, and give-a-ways to promote the health and well-being of the entire community. For over 3 decades, PEA has worked hard to encourage the unity, health, well-being, security, and education of the community.

Education | PEA will provide animation school scholarships, school supplies, and resources to support students in underserved communities.
Housing | PEA will look to address housing issues for senior citizens, single mothers and families impacted by financial emergencies and natural disasters.
Health + Wellness | PEA will support the areas of diabetes, mental health, and food insecurity.